Functional Rehab
At Fletcher Chiropractic, we believe in treating the entire family. From newborns to seniors, we’re passionate about offering chiropractic care to treat numerous conditions.
Functional Rehab
Our bodies are made to be in motion, but past injuries and our day-to-day habits can alter the body’s movement patterns and cause improper function. These changes in the muscle movement can put a strain on surrounding joints and tissues over time, causing discomfort and reduced range of motion. Faulty movement patterns are often a result of muscle imbalances, improper lifting, poor posture, or more commonly, bad office ergonomics. Functional rehabilitation is a treatment practice that employs the use of low-tech, functional-based exercises to help retrain those affected muscles. Unlike traditional physical therapy, functional rehab focuses on the area of dysfunction, not necessarily the area of discomfort.
At Fletcher Chiropractic, we utilize functional rehab exercises to create a custom exercise protocol for each patient. To do this, our doctors will break down the improper motions, introduce new patterns of movement, and provide the patient with further strengthening techniques. Improved movement patterns allow the patient to properly heal, restore function, and prevent future injury or discomfort. Our goal for our functional rehab patients is to get them back to their daily routine while providing them with the tools they need to live pain-free.

Soft Tissue Therapy
There are many different medical conditions that can benefit from chiropractic care, soft tissue therapy, functional rehabilitation, nutrition, and acupuncture.
For more information about how the doctors at Fletcher Chiropractic can help to relieve your pain, treat your condition, and improve your overall health, visit our online patient center or contact us.
Chiropractic Adjustments
There are many different medical conditions that can benefit from chiropractic care, soft tissue therapy, functional rehabilitation, nutrition, and acupuncture.
For more information about how the doctors at Fletcher Chiropractic can help to relieve your pain, treat your condition, and improve your overall health, visit our online patient center or contact us.
There are many different medical conditions that can benefit from chiropractic care, soft tissue therapy, functional rehabilitation, nutrition, and acupuncture.
For more information about how the doctors at Fletcher Chiropractic can help to relieve your pain, treat your condition, and improve your overall health, visit our online patient center or contact us.
Functional Rehab
There are many different medical conditions that can benefit from chiropractic care, soft tissue therapy, functional rehabilitation, nutrition, and acupuncture.
For more information about how the doctors at Fletcher Chiropractic can help to relieve your pain, treat your condition, and improve your overall health, visit our online patient center or contact us.
There are many different medical conditions that can benefit from chiropractic care, soft tissue therapy, functional rehabilitation, nutrition, and acupuncture.
For more information about how the doctors at Fletcher Chiropractic can help to relieve your pain, treat your condition, and improve your overall health, visit our online patient center or contact us.
DOT Physicals
There are many different medical conditions that can benefit from chiropractic care, soft tissue therapy, functional rehabilitation, nutrition, and acupuncture.
For more information about how the doctors at Fletcher Chiropractic can help to relieve your pain, treat your condition, and improve your overall health, visit our online patient center or contact us.