Who We Are
The doctors of Fletcher Chiropractic are excited to be here in Lincoln and the surrounding areas! It is our mission to provide the best possible chiropractic care and educate the public as to what chiropractic can offer them. We strive to make our patients feel like a member of our family.

What We Do
At Fletcher Chiropractic, we incorporate several different techniques into chiropractic manipulation, but most often we use our hands and a gentle pressure or thrust to restore motion

Why a chiropractor?
Chiropractic care is typically considered more cost-effective than the traditional medicine approach to spinal and joint pain. The traditional approach typically consists of medication, steroid injections, and sometimes even surgery. Standard medical care is effective when necessary, but it’s invasive and can have side effects. These unwanted side effects can potentially be avoided if chiropractic care is sought first. If you have pain that has not responded to other forms of healthcare, chiropractic care may be the final solution to your problem.
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