Spring and summer begin the season for graduations, weddings and family vacations/travel. Whether you’re traveling via plane, train or automobile, there are many challenges with travelling. Those challenges may lead to stress, health issues, back pain, or other symptoms like headaches. Prevention, preparation, and action are the key enjoying the season. Let’s look at a few tips.

Prevention is Simple

Prevention when traveling should start with stretching and starting with some physical activity a few weeks before you plan on traveling. Stretching is important to keep your muscles loose and help your circulation. While you are refueling the car or stopped for a restroom break, take a few minutes to stretch your legs, arms and back. A few muscles to stretch would be your hip flexors, hamstrings, quadriceps, calves, and lower back muscles.

For a good quad stretch, grab one ankle and bend at your knee, pulling your ankle behind you. Bend over and touch your toes to stretch the backs of your legs for a good hamstring stretch. To stretch your calves, stand about a foot and a half away from the wall, put your hands on the wall at shoulder height, and step one foot backwards about a foot, keeping your leg straight and heel on the floor. To stretch your psoas/hip flexor, you can do a lunge to make sure to stretch that anterior thigh. Gently bend the other knee forward to feel the stretch in the back lower leg. To stretch your arms and shoulders, bend your left arm out in front of you, and place your right hand on your elbow to gently pull it toward you.

These stretches can be started before you leave on your trip but also done in the airport restroom, while you’re at the gate waiting for your connecting flight or at a rest stop on the road. It is an easy way to prevent injuries when traveling.

Two groups of active people outdoors, one preparing for a hike and the other a bike ride.

Preparation is Key

Preparation of your car is something to do before traveling and it is beneficial for your body also. Car seat position is best put at a 110-120 degree angle (slightly tipped back), and the seat should be forward enough that you’re not reaching for the pedals or just using your toes. Sitting on a pillow if you are shorter is helpful so the seat’s lumbar (low-back) support hits you in the right place will make your driving more comfortable.

When flying, having a good neck pillow can make a long flight pass quicker. The backpack you might use for your carry-on is a great idea but wear it higher on your back rather than sagging down on your butt. This will help put less stress on your shoulders and upper back. It will also be more comfortable in the long run. If your travel involves a lot of walking, having proper tennis shoes with good support will not only help your feet feel better, but the rest of your body, too.

Most people when traveling like having snacks while they drive or fly. Preparation is the key to help choose healthy options and less stressing about food. Healthy options are always a good choice. Apples, grapes, and baby carrots are a healthy alternative to chips and candy. Pregame and prepare all your snacks a few days before traveling is possible.

Staying hydrated is also very important during your travels getting to your destination. Even though you don’t want to stop for a bathroom break, it is still important to hydrate for your health. Insulated stainless steel water bottles or cups with a straw are a great choice so your drink stays cool and better for the environment than plastic bottles. Staying hydrated keeps your muscles loose and ready to go on whatever your travels may bring.

Close up portrait of an attractive young woman drinking water from bottle

Action, time to get moving.

The action part of this travel plan would be to go see your provider before traveling if you are having issues. A quick adjustment before traveling can ease any muscle or joint issues that could occur while traveling. At Fletcher Chiropractic, we take your concerns and complaints seriously and it starts with taking a thorough history first. Appropriate examinations are performed that may include different neurological and orthopedic tests. Treatment is most often a chiropractic adjustment. However, soft tissue/muscle therapies, nutrition, acupuncture, or exercises may be added to your treatment plan. We aim to please and get you back on your way, traveling and experiencing life’s wonders.

As always, getchecked out by Fletcher Chiropractic before you travel and when you get back so you can feel your best. Give us a call or text at 402-261-5766 to schedule your next appointment! You can find out more information at www.fletcherchiropracticllc.com or email us at info@fletcherchiropracticllc.com. Safe Travels!