“We are what we eat.”
We have all heard that saying once in our lives, either from our mothers, trainers, coaches or maybe a random person in line in the school cafeteria. Well, the truth is that we truly are what we eat. What we put into our bodies is what makes us move and keeps us energized and can possibly make us feel bad and sick also. Eating well makes us feel well and along with exercise and good daily habits, we are healthy and happy. Starting small and thinking long term, you can develop good habits and are more likely to stick with healthier eating habits. So check out these 5 easy tips for better nutrition.
1. Eat more vegetables.
Fill up on the vegetables that encompass the color of the rainbow. Vegetables are low calorie so you can have more eating for less. Also by eating veggies, we can getting essential phytonutrients that you can only get from plants.
2. Eat Fruits but watch the sugar.
Eating fruits are important because we get fiber and other nutrients like vitamin C from fruits we eat. However, when eating fruit, try not to go overboard because we can get too much natural sugars like fructose that can increase blood sugar levels in those with health issues like diabetes.
3. Drink more water.
Our bodies are 70 percent water and we need water to survive so Drink Water! The rule for drinking water should be at least half your body weight in ounces or if you can drink 8 to 10 glasses a day, you are getting hydrated. Water helps to flush toxins and waste from our bodies and keeps us looking young and our skin smooth. Dehydration can happen very easily with being outdoors and activity so drink water!!
4. Up the Protein you eat.
Protein is wonderful for our muscles and it helps to give us sustainable energy. It helps us stay full with dinner but also allows us to build strong muscle for endurance and athletic activities. However, be aware of those protein bars, they can bring extra players to the game as in extra sugar and artificial stuff that is not so good. Almonds and fatty nuts are good sources of protein for a snack on the go.
5. Supplement Wisely.
First, try to eat a balanced diet and get what you can nutrient-wise from your diet. That being said, then supplement what you need to based on your specific needs and diet restrictions. However, when you do supplement, use a quality supplement that offers a good product. Choosing a supplement that is whole food based and that is grown in a manner that you know what is in it. Ask a health care professional for a recommendation or talk to professional about your options if you needing to supplement.
Hopefully adding a few small changes to your daily routine helps to create a better healthy way of eating and living. Talk with a healthcare professional like us if you have any questions or are wanting to start making healthier choices.