
ACL Injuries and Chiropractic Care

An ACL injury is one of the most common and well-known knee injuries. Tearing an ACL often occurs during sports, and it is a common injury among athletes, especially soccer, basketball, and football players. However, ACL injuries can also happen outside of athletes, but it is less common.

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Can a Chiropractor Help My Clicking Jaw?

Does your jaw click when you open or close it? If so, you might have TMJ, which is a common joint disorder. The good news is that seeing a chiropractor can help ease your symptoms. Plus, you can get exercises to do at home with the soft tissues to loosen the muscles and reduce your jaw clicking.

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How Physical Therapy and Chiropractic Care Can Work Together

You may not have realized how well physical therapy and chiropractic care can work with each other. With chiropractic care, you will be taking the pressure off of your central nervous system. Tension and pressure can build up in your spinal cord and cause many negative symptoms. With physical therapy, you can strengthen your body. Keep reading to learn more about each of these treatments and how they can help you.

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How Chiropractic Care Can Help Neck Pain

Approximately 80% of people experience neck pain during their lifetime, according to Harvard Health. If you are experiencing neck pain, you are likely looking for the best source of relief. Many people turn to chiropractic to resolve their neck pain and experience positive results.

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