Summer is coming and during this time of the year, we hear a lot of talk about diets, weight loss, and swim suit season.  Diet and exercise are the best way to loose weight safely. However, boredom and inactivity can set in which can lead to a sabotage of the best laid plans. Try some of these following tips to help get healthier and enjoy your summer.

1. Drink more water. Water does the body good. It hydrates your body and helps push toxins and soreness out of your muscles. You should try to at least half your body weight in ounces of water a day.

2. Add foods you like.  Eating foods you like that are healthier like fruits and vegetables, you are more likely to eat more and not have the urge to eat those unhealthy food like potato chips and sweets.

3. Walk. Walking is a great low intensity exercise that most people can easily do. Walking helps burn calories but it is good movement for your spine and joints.  Walking around the house, around the block, the mall, or even parking away from the store when doing errands is exercise.

4. Split meals. When going out to eat, try to split a meal with a friend, significant other, or even just taking half of the meal home to eat the next day can help limit and control portions.

5. Use smaller plates.  When using a smaller plate, it gives your mind a visual that your plate is full and then helps to trick your mind into thinking you are fuller and in return, less hungry.

6. Eat at the same times daily. By creating a routine, you give your mind and body a schedule to follow so that you don’t have the highs and lows of blood sugars and you lessen the change of hungry pains/cravings.

7. Get involved. When we get bored, most people eat more.  By getting involved in a club, sport, activity, or doing something you enjoy, you get out of the house, out of your head, and away from your appetite.

8. Use your TV time for exercise. We sit in front of the TV a lot these days and as a whole, the population is not getting enough exercise, so why not combine them. Perform exercises during commercials or try using a exercise ball to sit on while watching television.

9. Ditch the salt and sugar. Sugar and salt are essential for our bodies to function but when you get more than what we need, they are a huge reason for weigh gain.  Replace salt with health spices like turmeric, curry and cumin.  These spices are partially anti-inflammatory and help to keep things tasty.

10. Keep a journal.  Keeping a food journal can be a pain but it does give you and your treating medical professional an accurate and truthful description of what you are eating and how you are feeling.  You do not have to always count the calories even though that gives you a good idea too.  Use an app on your phone, a small notebook in your pocket or your computer, but doing it for a week or two can help see where improvement is needed. It also can give you an idea of how much you go out to eat.

At Fletcher Chiropractic in Lincoln, Nebraska, we strive to provide the best care and advice possible.  Please seek out a medical profession for advice on healthy weight loss and nutritional consultation.