At Fletcher Chiropractic, we believe in treating the entire family. From newborns to seniors, we’re passionate about offering chiropractic care to treat numerous conditions.
Chiropractic Is About More Than “Just” The Spine
When people think about chiropractic care, they often think about the treatment of back pain. Spine care is essential because it impacts a person’s overall wellness and health.
Protein: a needed nutrient
What is protein? Protein is an essential nutrient for the human body in order for the body to be able to...
Exercises to do at Home
Exercises to do at home While working from home and staying indoors due to the current pandemic of the...
How Chiropractic Can Help Shoulder Pain
Until pain takes over, the shoulders may not receive much attention. When shoulder pain sets in, though, it compromises the ability to perform even simple tasks, which is a sign that you need help.
How Chiropractic Care Can Help Neck Pain
Approximately 80% of people experience neck pain during their lifetime, according to Harvard Health. If you are experiencing neck pain, you are likely looking for the best source of relief. Many people turn to chiropractic to resolve their neck pain and experience positive results.
A Solution to Your Lower Back Pain
Back pain can impact all aspects of your life, making even simple every day tasks, such as sitting at work, driving, or cooking, seem incredibly daunting. One way to manage back pain is by taking medication, but medication doesn’t treat the underlying cause of the pain.…instead it simply masks the symptoms. If you have not considered it before, chiropractic adjustments may be a great option for to help ease your lower back pain. With a few simple adjustments it’s quite possible that your back pain will begin to ease up.