At Fletcher Chiropractic, we believe in treating the entire family. From newborns to seniors, we’re passionate about offering chiropractic care to treat numerous conditions.
Myofascial Pain Syndrome
Myofascial pain syndrome is complicated and multi-focal. The ultimate goal of myofacial therapy is to loosen...
Sleeping positions: What is best for your body?
We spend nearly one-third of our lives sleeping and it is vital to our health. You recharge your batteries...
Ticks? Yuck! What you can do to help avoid ticks and Lyme disease.
'Tis the season for hotter weather, being that it is basically summer and we will be outside more. We go...
Chiropractic Care During Pregnancy
Pregnancy and childbirth are truly wonderous events. And, while we know that childbirth in and of itself...
10 Tips for Healthy Weight Loss
Summer is coming and during this time of the year, we hear a lot of talk about diets, weight loss, and swim...
What Is Chiropractic Care, and What Can It Do For Me?
In a nutshell, chiropractic care is recognized around the world as one of the safest, non-invasive, drug...